Alameda Health Department and Dr. Cheraskin’s Findings
A lengthy study was done by the Alameda Health Department, in Alameda County, California based on medical history and medical records. They found out that people who did.
A lengthy study was done by the Alameda Health Department, in Alameda County, California based on medical history and medical records.
They found out that people who did six or more of these seven habits lived 11 ½ years longer than people who did fewer than four of them. If you did six out of seven faithfully, you live 11 ½ years longer than people who did three or less. That is pretty significant.
- No Tobacco
- Keep your body weight within 20% of what it should be
- Exercise daily
- Eat breakfast daily
- No snacking in between meals
- Alcohol consumption in moderation, if not at all.
- Sleeping not significantly more or less than seven hours per night
You can pick out the one you do not like, follow the other six faithfully and live 11 ½ years longer than the people who follow three or less.
Emanuel Cheraskin – Author of the book Predictive Medicine (co-authored by W. Ringsdorf) did a study that showed people who slept seven hours per night live longer than people did who slept six hours a night and they also live longer than people did who slept eight hours per night.
- The book, Predictive Medicine, shows that by following some health habits, you could counteract the normal curve that as people get older they get more and more symptoms and eventually die.
- He showed that by following some health rules like these you could level off that curve.
- It’s called rectangularizing the survival curve. You live your life like a light bulb, bright to the very end and then go out suddenly, which would be the ideal.
- He did extensive studies on 50,000 people. He determined what was the most common causative factor for each condition. He also determined what was the most common factor that helped each condition.
For example, the most common factor for hemorrhoids was the consumption of coffee.
The most common curative factor that helped all conditions was exercise.
The most causative factor for all conditions, not just one disease was consumption of refined carbohydrates (white flour, white sugar, Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, etc.). Keep away from those.
There is no disease known to mankind that someone, at some time, has not recovered from like a spontaneous remission. The truth is many people have recovered from terminal conditions, although it is a low percentage compared to the total number of people who may have that disease.