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Training Programs
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Introductory Courses
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AK Fundamentals Hands-On Long Beach
AK Fundamentals – Online
Online Home Study
Sports Kinesiology – Online
Achieve Optimal Health with Muscle Testing
Advanced Courses
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Biochemical Kinesiology
Psychological Kinesiology
Energy Kinesiology
Structural Kinesiology
AK Shortcuts w/ Dr. Deal
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AK Shortcuts – Part 1
AK Shortcuts – Part 2
AK Shortcuts – Part 3
AK Shortcuts – Endocrine System
Treat 20 Conditions with Advanced Kinesiology
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Are you currently practicing some form of muscle testing or kinesiology in your profession?
If yes, please specify
What level of expertise do you have in Kinesiology?
What is your profession?
Energy Worker
Health Coach
Massage Therapist
Medical Doctor
Personal Trainer
Physical Therapist
Yoga Teacher
If other profession is selected above, please specify
If you were to join a membership program, what would you like it to include:
(choose all that apply and at least 1)
Opportunities to network with other kinesiologists
Get marketing and business coaching to grow my practice
Discover new techniques to advance your skills
Receive advice on challenges you have with clients
Hear interviews with experts and ask questions
Get answers to your questions from Dr. Sheldon Deal
Help with your own health challenges
Self-help for family and friends
Not interested at this time
Check all programs you find of interest to develop your knowledge and skills:
(choose at least 1)
Intro courses in Applied Kinesiology (AK) to benefit your family friends and yourself
Intro courses in AK to benefit clients and become more successful in your health practice
Energy Kinesiology to balance the meridian system chakras and energy body
Psychological Kinesiology to find and clear issues helping yourself and others gain emotional mastery
Biochemical Kinesiology to find and clear nutritional imbalances toxicity and environmental sensitivities
Structural Kinesiology to find and clear musculoskeletal imbalances and physical challenges
Sports Kinesiology to help athletes and dancers achieve peak performance and enhance recovery
AK Shortcuts to become more efficient and effective in your practice studying online recorded courses of Dr. Sheldon Deal
Training on how to do remote sessions with clients online
Other (please specify)
If Other is selected above, please specify
Would you like to schedule a free Discovery session to see how you can benefit from our programs and get your questions answered?
Yes, email me a link to schedule my Zoom or phone session
No, I am not interested at this time
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